We do the work YOU believe in — we need YOUR help to keep doing it!
We are saving more and more dogs and cats, and providing a humane alternative where none previously existed. It takes a lot of resources and we desperately need ongoing financial help. Please support us!
100% of donations go to SADS.
IF you are donating towards the SADS Fundraiser Appeal or toward Special Needs please don't forget to email us and tell us who or what your donation is for.
Make a Donation
Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. If you make an online credit card donation, you'll automatically receive a tax receipt (or monthly tax receipts) by email. In most other cases, receipts are sent by mail.
To request changes to online donations, ring Give Now on (03) 9320 6800 or email donations@givenow.com.au
To request changes to online donations, ring Give Now on (03) 9320 6800 or email donations@givenow.com.au

BSB: 083298
Account No.: 792025571
Account Name: Save-A-Dog Scheme
IMPORTANT: If you’d like a tax receipt, please
remember to email your contact and payment
details to us at admin@saveadog.org.au