Meet Gidget, a spirited 2-year-old Cavalier King Charles and Chinese Crested mix with a personality as lively as her unique appearance. Gidget is a bundle of energy, known for her playful antics and her love of jumping up on anything and everything. Her boundless enthusiasm makes her a joy to watch, though she does need some guidance to channel her energy in positive ways.
Gidget has a strong-willed side and prefers to be the center of attention. She’s not particularly fond of other dogs and can be defensive if she feels threatened, so she would thrive best in a home where she’s the only pet. Her protective nature means she’ll need a dedicated owner who can provide her with the training and discipline she requires to feel secure and well-behaved.
Though Gidget has found her way to the shelter through no fault of her own, she’s ready to find a loving home where she can receive the attention, training, and care she needs. If you’re looking for an active and affectionate companion who will keep you on your toes, Gidget just might be the perfect match for you.